Logistics involves many different tasks in the overall process that should not be underestimated.
Initial logistics include the receipt and labeling of finished articles, warehousing, packaging, preparation for shipping including all required documents such as product documentation, customs clearance, transport documents, permits and certificates, additional parts such as spare parts, or ordered optional products.
Insurance-technical questions that need to be clarified. The organization and the supervision of the transport.
Not to forget complaint management during transport or in case of late arrival or transport damage. With a few exceptions and a few more positions, the inbound logistics are added.
The diversity of logistics encompasses a broad catalog of requirements that employees in logistics must master.
For this reason, it is important to have an excellent overview of all topics and documents in focus, e.g. to provide information very quickly, to have the certainty that all documents were available and forwarded.
The protection against internal as well as external partners and customers.
The cost pressure has been increasing in logistics for years and yet today logistics must be better organized than ever to be able to meet the needs of customers optimally. The interaction of internal and external processes must be optimally coordinated in order to carry out the value added chain effectively and efficiently.